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About Lakeridge ministries


Lakeridge Ministries' STATEMENT OF FOUNDATIONAL BELIEFS reveals what we believe are essentials on which all Christians must agree in order to work together for a common goal, until Jesus returns. Our philosophy is to align ourselves only with people and churches that are in common agreement with these essentials to Biblical Christianity. Therefore, we do not participate in something because it is "religious" or has a "Christian" label applied. It must be biblically based and doctrinally sound before we participate as a church fellowship. The Bible, not tradition, is our authority in all matters of faith and practice. We strongly encourage the daily reading of God’s Word as the main instrument of growth in the lives of Christians. We are committed to relevant Bible teaching, and desire to equip the saints through the teaching of God’s Word. 

We believe that our fellowship has people with spiritual gifts that can be used to build a larger ministry, that extends beyond the boundary of our church. People in our area are desperately in need of, and hungry for, Bible teaching and Christian fellowship.

Mission Statement

Lakeridge Ministries Church is a caring fellowship, dedicated to Jesus Christ and to introduce the cast away, the lost, the world’s invisible society to Jesus Christ, bring the light to a dark world. We strive to empower believers to become totally devoted disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ as they take His love to the world. We are committed to providing a place where God can be worshiped in spirit and in truth and where His Word is continually brought forth. We exist to develop believers who can handle life's demands according to the principles of God's Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit, so that Jesus may be seen, and God glorified. "... ye in me, and I in you   (John 14:20).






Vision Statement

Lakeridge Ministries Church is called to raise up children, youth, and adults who love Jesus Christ with their whole being, whose lives and relationships reflect Christ's character, and who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the Great Commission to the world. To that end we desire to spread the "Good News" of Jesus Christ, to nurture Christian fellowship, and to grow in our knowledge of God’s Word and our faith in God. Since God the Father's purpose concerning mankind is to seek and to save the lost, to be worshiped by His people, and to change the body of believers into the image of His Son, our vision includes:
   1. Being an instrument of God for evangelizing the local community, nation, and the world. (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 1:8).
   2. Being a place where believers may worship our Triune God. (Psalm 96:9; Psalm 29:2; Isaiah 66:23; 1 Chronicles 16:29).
   3. Building up the saints with the goal that they would be more like our Lord Jesus. (2 Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 4:11-16).
   4. Providing a place where the saints can fellowship for the purpose of building community and relationships, so that they can 
   encourage one another. (Hebrews 10:24-25; Acts 2:42; 1 John 1:3).
   5. Providing hope and encouragement for believers to continue to walk in the daily personal progressive revelation of our Lord and 
   Savior Jesus Christ.

Regarding People

Lakeridge Ministries Church believes in the biblical principle that the ultimate work of the church in the world is to be carried out by the saints - which we define as Spirit filled Christians - and not only by professional clergy or a few selected lay people. We believe the purpose for the church is revealed in Paul's statement that apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers exist for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry and for the building up of the body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:12). 


We believe that every member of our fellowship is a member of Christ's Body (Romans 12:5). Therefore, we seek to help each person take the next step spiritually in their Christian walk. We attempt to minister to people based on where they are in their walk with Christ. We feel that strong expository preaching combined with the gifts of the Holy Spirit are the primary tools for challenging people to take the next step spiritually, as we are being changed into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). Our goal in preaching is not to simply comfort, but rather to challenge people to Godly living. Second, we believe that every member of Lakeridge Ministries Church is a minister. Scripture teaches servant gifts are as equally important as leadership gifts in building a healthy, disciple-making church. We believe that God has uniquely gifted individuals with natural as well as supernatural gifts. We do not believe that God saved us so that we could be "spectator" Christians. We believe that stewardship includes the proper use of your God-given gifts. Such gifts will be readily recognized by the Pastor and other ministry leaders in accordance with Proverbs 18:16 "A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men." Christians are not to be critical consumers or detached bystanders.

They are to be positive contributors to the body. This is essential to who we are in Christ. The Pastor encourage members to use their gifts creatively in this church. We do not expect an eternal commitment to a ministry, but we would hope that each person would find an effective ministry for an extended time (2-5 years). We believe this helps in the stability of the Church and the faithfulness in those ministering.

Spiritual Growth

We believe that spiritual growth is intentional (Philippians 2:12-13), practical (1 Timothy 4:7), ­and involves an element of time (Ephesians 4:13). True spiritual growth is demonstrated more by behavior than beliefs (Matthew 7:24-27). For example, spiritually mature Christians do not start gossip nor do they listen to gossip. We also believe that spiritual growth involves the body (1 John 1:7) and a variety of experiences. It does not occur in isolation, but rather in the context of fellowship. Spiritual maturity is shaped by one's spiritual gifts, talents, a heart for God, abilities, personality, and personal life experiences. It is in this context that God molds us into the person He wants us to be. 

Lay Leadership

Except for counseling and deliverance which are done only by the Pastor and Elders, we encourage other to be involved in one or more of the various ministries needed in the church. Our philosophy regarding lay leadership is to involve as many people in the process of ministry as possible. Presently there are more than 15 believers engaged in some form of ministry in our church. The importance of "lay leaders" instead of "professionals" is a distinctive part of this ministry. We would rather have someone from our fellowship ministering than paid professionals ministering to our fellowship. We allow people the freedom to minister and to learn from mistakes, rather than requiring people to be "professional" before they can minister. We simply cannot supervise every person's ministry; therefore, we give people a degree of trust rather than exercising absolute control. The trust is covered by much prayer from the Pastor. This has caused some misunderstanding and tension in the past, but it has also been a great learning experience for everyone. The trust that is given allows people the freedom to fail, with the understanding that 
we are "for" them even when they make a mistake. All ministries related to the church are assigned by the Pastor. Freelancing is discouraged. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints (1 Cor 14:33).

We believe that God's people will do God's work; therefore, we do not to angst over trying to recruit people to fill a certain need. Specialized ministries depend on the gifted people that God sends to our church. If a certain ministry begins to die, it could be that we no longer have the leadership or the need for that ministry. We will pray and wait until God brings along the right people with the right gifts to administer and lead that ministry. We continually bring all questions about ministry to God in prayer. We also realize that we are not the only church in the area. We cannot be the whole Body of Christ; we are only a part of that Body. Since we cannot meet every need, we do not feel guilty for not having certain ministries.

Regarding Activities in the Church

We believe that every member of the church needs maturing and edifying fellowship with other believers (Ephesians 4:13). Therefore, the main purpose of our activities in the church should be to develop and further encourage fellowship and produce disciples for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12). Our activities should be a means to that end. All those involved in leading an activity should seriously evaluate the activity they are doing. Is the activity leading to the maturing of saints or is it just another form of entertainment? Entertainment and recreation can be provided outside the Church, but God's House should be a house of prayer (Matthew 31; 13). Outside of the Church building, we support fellowship with believers. To that end, we continue to encourage events such as: “Supper with the saints”, picnics, and viewing God centered videos, and other social engagements that promote fellowship and friendship. 

Regarding Monetary Giving

Realizing that money can easily become the focus of any ministry, we have established some strong beliefs regarding money in this ministry. We believe that God's people should willingly give to God's work and that they should not give grudgingly or out of necessity.

We have always desire to supported foreign missionaries. Presently we provide support one ministry. We believe we can honor God with the wise giving of donations to other ministries. 

Our Building

We do not plan to ever build an elaborate facility (the early church did just fine without one). We believe that our building should be comfortable for all who would enter, and be a testimony to the community in that it is functional and appears welcoming. May God bless all those who spend their time and effort keeping the church building clean and presentable. 


We are committed to prayer. We believe that prayer is the heart of ministry. All of the ministries of the church are dependant upon prayer for their conception, development, and implementation. Jesus said, . . . It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer ... (Matthew 21:13).


We believe in worship that is relevant and participatory, as well as intimate and intense. God desires all to worship Him in spirit and in truth. We believe that God has not called us to be spectators while others are worshiping. All members (young and old) should involve themselves in acts of praise, worship and adoration of their living God. We believe that true worship is under the direction and power of the Holy Spirit.


Meet Our Pastor!

March 21, 2019

Praying Together

Opening Hours

Come Worship with Us!

Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm
​​Saturday: 8am - 3pm
​Sunday: 7:30am - 9pm

Stained Glass

"We shall say god did it!"


Pastor Eddie

Contact Us

15025 fenkell St
Detroit, Wayne County 48238

313 855 6035

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